Aurayzeon Library
A downloadable game for Windows
The Watchmaker is trying to destroy your library! We must protect it!
Controls: WASD + Mouse
Warning: This is an unfinished game, but we're happy to have had most of it done
This game was created for the May Day Game Jam by Sacramento Developer Collective, where the theme was "Clocks and Books"
Team: Save File
What we learned as individuals and/or as a team
Sound Engineer:
"Basically, I learned that I need to ask very pointed questions about setting and vibe before anything gets started. I also learned that I really, really can't waste time on just writing random themes without a pre-allocated place for them to be used; in a game jam that's this short, that's a deadly mistake." - Sean Leffler, @sleffy_
"Making new mechanics and programming isn't the hard part, like getting a functioning tile set and enemies is pretty easy. I spent most of my time actually building the level and what not." - Maxim Veligan, @Veligains
Pixel Artists:
"This finally gave me a chance to learn Asesprite and it was really fun and definitely learned some of the complications of determining the pixel resolution correctly before wasting too much time." - Ash Yao, @bakedashbread
Austin Berbereia - @blahahaustin
Project Manager:
"I was surprised to see this team asking and looking for people to help manage their project, so I thought it was a great chance for me to practice my skillsets. I'm really happy with how it turned out, despite not being able to fully finish the game as it was still a great learning opportunity." - Jenny Yao, @bakedbreadjen
We ended up not having time for finalizing the mechanics of the boss and didn’t have time to create the battle music for the boss battle. Even with taking that out, we realized we didn't set up a way for the player to exit out easily, so you just need to exit out the window.
We had a storyline laid out but didn't have time to incorporate that into the game
Intro Scene Text:
Percy: This library is my home, my saving grace. Although, my memory is a bit fuzzy on how long I've been here... No matter, I'll soon be able to destroy the watchmaker and protect my precious library. I'll forever be my library's guardian spirit. He cannot and shall not harm The Aurayzeon Library
Before the Boss Battle:
Wagner: We don't need libraries, they're filled with long lost knowledge that nobody cares to read anymore! The Internet has taken over so I'll take your ruins and add it to my collection!
Percy: How dare you! Libraries are relics of knowledge, power beyond your imagination! My power flourishes and shall destroy you in the name of Aurayzeon!
Outro Scene Text:
Percy: The Watchmaker has been defeated! Oh my sweet Aurayzeon, you were abandoned by the humans after the pandemic....which opened you to all those creatures and evil beings...and now, my library shall rest easy from the dangers...sleep well, my love.
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